Rogelio I. Mallari from the Philippines
4th Year Early Childhood Education Student
SEA-Teacher Project Batch 9 Participant
Home University: Philippine Normal University
Receiving University: Universitas Negeri Malang
Teaching Plan and PracticeClass: B Moon
Stage/Semester: B / 1 (One)
Lesson: Profesi (Jobs)
Unit/Topic: HouseLearning objectives :
● Define what is a job
● Enumerate different jobs
● Share the job they want to have in the futureLesson focus/success criteria:
● Students are able to define what a job is
● Students are able to enumerate different jobs
● Students are able to share the job they want to have in the futurePrior knowledge/previous learning:
Students already know the members of the family and are familiar with some jobs.Overall InsightsAs an early childhood education student in the Philippines, it is a privilege and an honor to be part of this exchange program. I was able to learn a lot of things that will be helpful to me in the future. Being able to teach in KB & TK Laboratorium even just for four weeks will be something that I'll be proud of. Being able to observe and watch great teachers handle classrooms, conduct activities, and teach young students is something I'll treasure.I applied to this program in the hopes of having an experience to teach outside of my country, but I got more than that. I was able to gain new friends, met a lot of students who taught me more than just lessons inside the classroom, teachers who have changed my outlook in learning and teaching, and I discovered a country that I will now consider as my second home.
KB & TK Laboratorium UM from Indonesia
Be smart and creative, unggul berkarakter!
Pedagogical Content (own observation)Upon spending four weeks with KB&TK Laboratorium, I'm confident to say that I was able to at least get a gist of their curriculum and pedagogical practices. To be honest, I am in no place to evaluate a school like this but I have nothing bad to say. KB&TK Lab uses a student-centered approach in teaching and learning. Children are allowed to play freely in their playground and explore by themselves. Their activities are bases on a holistic approach, and by providing multiple activities in one topic, they are able to cater the multiple intelligences in the classroom. Their way of teaching is also through experience. Through these, I realized that there are a lot of ways in integrating 21st century literacies in our curriculum.General Information:
Tahun 1967 salah satu pakar pendidikan IKIP Malang Prof. Dr. Soepartinah Pakasi menerima satu kelompok anak usia TK. Mereka mendapat pendidikan di Taman-Kanak-kanak, dibimbing langsung oleh ibu Pakasi dibantu dua orang guru yaitu ibu Tutik dan ibu Ambar. Hal ini dilaksanakan atas gagasan ibu-ibu/istri para dosen yang saat itu putra-putrinya sudah waktunya bersekolah, tetapi disekitar kampus IKIP Malang belum ada Taman-Kanak-kanak.Selama 10 tahun IKIP Malang, terdapat 2 TK, yaitu TK Laboratorium dan TK Dharma Wanita. Tahun 1997 kedua TK digabung dalam satu yayasan pendidikan IKIP Malang dengan ketua Prof. Drs. H. Rosjidan MA. Berdasar kepres no. 93 tahun 1999, tanggal 4 Agustus 1999 IKIP Malang berubah menjadi Universitas Negeri Malang. Sejak saat itu TK berubah nama menjadi TK Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang (UM).Visi
Menjadikan kelompok bermain dan Taman Kanak-kanak Laboratorium UM yang unggul bernilai Sascita dan menjadi RujukanMisi
-Menyelenggarakan pembelajaran – pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif agar seluruh potensi anak berkembang secara optimal
-Menyelenggarakan pembelajaran dengan metode pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif berbasis riset
-Menyelenggarakan “learning society” untuk seluruh warga sekolah.
-Menyelenggarakan budaya sekolah yang tertib, disiplin, santun dan ramah anak.
-Menyelenggarakan manajemen sekolah yang transparan dan akuntabel.
-Menyelenggarakan pola kepemimpinan yang professional dan efektif.
-Menyelenggarakan kerjasama kelembagaan dengan lembaga pendidikan dan non-pendidikan, serta komite sekolah.
-Menyelenggarakan Program Sascita bagi warga sekolah yang memuat nilai komunikatif, kolaboratif, berpikir kritis, kreatif, berkarakter, dan berbudaya.Tujuan
-Menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas, inovatif, dan kreatif.
-Menghasilkan pembelajaran dengan metode pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif berbasis riset.
-Menghasilkan “learning society” untuk seluruh warga sekolah.
-Menghasilkan budaya sekolah yang tertib, disiplin, santun dan ramah anak.
-Mengembangkan manajemen sekolah yang transparan dan akuntabel.
-Mengembangkan pola kepemimpinan yang professional dan efektif.
-Menghasilkan kerjasama kelembagaan dengan lembaga pendidikan dan non-pendidikan, serta komite sekolah.
-Menghasilkan Program Sascita bagi warga sekolah yang memuat nilai komunikatif, kolaboratif, berpikir kritis, kreatif, berkarakter, dan berbudaya.